HKBU Corporate Governance Society Limited is the alumni body of both MScCGC Programme and its predecessor MScCGD (MSc in Corporate Governance and Directorship) Programme. It is established by first two cohorts of MScCGD graduates in 2006. The society comprises professionals from diverse fields and positions, such as directors of listed and private companies, senior executives, non-executive directors, senior managers, chief financial officers, regulators, lawyers, accountants, auditors, company secretaries, and non-government organization executives.

The objects of the society include

  • To provide a forum for panels of resources persons who can contribute practical and academic expertise in corporate governance and directorship (CG & D) to serve the HK Community;

  • To offer advisory opinions in CG & D issues on the basis of academic studies in accordance with specific questions raised by government bodies, social organizations enterprises and institutions;

  • To foster the general advancement of research, learning, teaching and practice in the field of CG & D;

  • To encourage the extension and sharing of knowledge through public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures and similar programs pertaining to CG & D.